
To All Nurses Working in SVP

Postponed for now

MUMN is organising a Press Conference next Monday 8th August at 9.30 am in front of SVP to protest against the way the Nurses at SVP are being treated by the establishment. You are being requested to join the MUMN Officials for this Press Conference.

Most of the wards, during night duty, are being left with one Nurse facing all the challenges even in large wards with 30 residents and over. This is not acceptable to MUMN. To add insult to injury, when a situation occurs, the Ministry, instead of being understandable and shouldering the responsibility of leaving only one nurse, they are blaming the nurse, suspends him from work, and creates trauma for the nurse involved. We cannot accept these situations anymore. Today it’s me, tomorrow it’s you.

Another issue is the availing of vacation leave. This issue needs to be addressed by the Ministry. Nurses at SVP are going through hell just to avail their vacation leave entitlement. It's time we put our foot down.

So make it a point that next Monday at 9.30 am you will be there to support your union leaders who will be speaking on these absurd situations. Together we can make a change.


MUMN Council.