"Empowering Patients - Advancing the Profession"
MUMN’s vision is to primarily safeguard the healthcare professionals at their workplace. Our vision is to always be loyal to our members and towards the professions. MUMN offers excellent service to its members and is effective in improving working conditions. We ensure that members will always be represented with integrity and the respect they deserve. MUMN operates in an open, democratic and respectful manner. We will always stand for the members' rights, well being and interests of workers in the workplace. MUMN promsies to continuously work to enhance the quality of working conditions. We will strive to work towards sustaining and promoting healthcare professionals' continuous professional development.

MUMN alleges illegal immigrants are self-harming to be admitted to MCH
The Malta Union for Midwives and Nurses (MUMN) said that it cannot tolerate its members being in more danger in Mount Carmel Hospital because of the “abuse” they suffer at the hands of the illegal immigrants in the detention centres. It alleged migrants were self-harming in order to be taken to Mount Carmel Hospital, and thus, occupying much-needed beds. Later, the union announced that these migrants were being relocated after its complaint. The Commissioner for Mental Health reacted to this saying that it is “grossly unfair” to allege ulterior motives for admission, whilst the Malta Refugee Council called MUMN’s statement “insensitive” to the desperation and fear the migrants live in.

MUMN Declares Victory
The Court has limited the industrial action by the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses, ordering to withdraw directives which were deemed detrimental to the patient’s wellbeing. On Friday, the court ruled that the industrial action ordered by the union can go ahead except for directives which could place patients’ health at risk. Mr Justice Robert Mangion presiding over the First Hall of the Civil Court also disallowed any action that was to be taken by nurses working at St Vincent De Paul and Karin Grech Rehabilitation Hospital.

Nurses insist on right for industrial action to press for better pay
The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses on Wednesday defended in court a decision to order industrial action, with union chief Paul Pace insisting that nurses should be paid at the same rates as other healthcare professionals.

Is-Sena Internazzjonali tal-Infermiera u l-Qwiebel 2020 Tnedija tal-kanzunetta Lilna Issib – 17 ta’ Novembru, 2020.
L-infermiera u l-qwiebel għandhom ir-rwol vitali fil-provvediment tas-servizzi tas-saħħa. Dawn huma nies li jiddedikaw ħajjithom jieħdu ħsieb ommijiet u tfal: jagħtu tilqim li jsalva l-ħajjiet, u pariri dwar is-saħħa; jieħdu ħsieb l-anzjani, u b’mod ġenerali jieħdu ħsieb il-ħtiġijiet essenzjali tas-saħħa li jinqalgħu kuljum. Ta’ spiss huma l-ewwel punt ta’ referenza għall-kura fil-kommunitajiet tagħhom.
Our administration committee
Our initiatives

Florence Nightingale Benevolent Fund
Once you are an MUMN member you may choose to be part of the Florence Nightingale Benevolent Fund. This fund is set up to help healthcare professionals that are passing through a difficult time and need financial assistance.

MUMN Benefits for Members
When joining MUMN, our members will be able to enjoy several benefits that are exclusive to our members.

The Learning Institute for Healthcare Professionals
In 2017, The Learning Institute for Healthcare Professionals was launched within the MUMN. The Committee organizes monthly seminars for our members as well as workshops, seminars and conferences.

Marketing Campaign 2021
Are you interested in a Caring Profession? Are you looking for a Rewarding Career? Become a qualified nurse. Several Nursing Courses are being offered locally.
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