

Updating to all DSAs, Phlebotomists and DSTs regarding their respective sectorial agreements

A meeting was held today on both sectorial agreements.



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Il-Malta Union of Midwives & Nurses tixtieq tinforma lill-Istampa u x-Xandir li l-Konferenza Stampa imsejjha ghal ghada hija mhassra peress li intlahaq Ftehim bejn il-partijiet kollha involuti.


Colin Galea

Segretarju Generali



MUMN will not be bullied nor muzzled by the Health Division even when law courts are used.

It is evident that under the Government of Prime Minister, the Hon. Dr. Abela, law Courts are being continuously used against MUMN so that professional Health Care workers are deprived of improved collective agreements. None of the previous Prime Ministers nor Health Ministers used law courts against the rights of the Health Professionals. This shows the arrogance and lack of respect which this government has towards Health Professionals.

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Mafkar Ta' MUMN gewwa Sant' Anton

Meta tkun fil-Ġonna ta' Sant'Anton, nistednek tieqaf quddiem dan il-mafkar u tapprezza l-irwol siewi tal-ħaddiema tas-servizzi tas-saħħa f'ħajjitna.Read More